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Learn to cook cuisine from around the world right from your very own smartphone 

Learn to cook cuisine from around the world right from your very own smartphone 

Vote: (1 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: Social Point

Version: 2.8.11

Works under: Android


Program license

(1 votes)




Social Point


Works under:


Design your restaurant while preparing meals and serving them to customers.

The game has more of an Italian feel about it than a traditional cafe. You're goal is to serve all of the customers without making a mistake. There are goals to reach, such as serving a certain number of dishes in the time given or making a certain amount of money. You can hire everyone from bakers to chefs to work on the grill. There is also a pool where you will hire entertainers and an option to hire servers. While playing the game, you want to use a bit of time management to get through each level.